
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Two EXCELLENT Reports Now Available

You may recall from the December and January issues of the Mara River Flows Newsletter about two UNESCO-IHE students visiting us in the Mara River Basin.  They were both doing their Master's research on some of the issues facing us here in the basin.  Well, now they have wrapped up their analysis and have provided their results to us.  Check out their work below...

Omengo O. Fred
Carbon cycling in the Mara River system – Influence of land use and location in the fluvial network on organic matter processing and CO2-production (April, 2010)

Veronica G. Minaya Maldonado
Land use influence on the benthic macroinvertebrate communities of streams in Nyangores and Amala tributaries of Mara River, Kenya (April, 2010)

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