
Monday, April 19, 2010

Mbalibali Picture

The picture painted onto the side of the rainwater harvesting tank at Mbalibali School.


  1. Hello! I'm very much intrested in your work with Environmental Flows in the Mara River. At the moment I'm writing my masters thesis about environmental flows in southern africa, and will do a field study to Buzi river basin in Mozambique during the summer. I read on your newsletter that you had participated in an Environmental Flows workshop
    in Naivasha hosted by WWF-Eastern and Southern Africa
    Regional Programme Office. If you could send me any information about what the main findings from the workshop I would appreciate that very much. I'm also looking into how Mozambique has implemented environmental flows into their legislation, do you have any informaiton about how Tanzania and Kenya are doing? And a last question: where can I find your assessment of environmental flows? It is extra interesting for me as I will use the Desktop Reserve Model when calculating EFR, which originated from the BBM. Please send me an e-mail to Best regards, Lovisa.

  2. Hi Lovisa, pleasure to meet you. We'll send you an email soon.

    Thanks, Chris.
