
Friday, April 23, 2010

Mara River Environmental Flows Assessment and Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan Launched!

The Environmental Flows Assessment Report (EFA) and the Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (BSAP) were officially launched last evening at the Intercontinental Hotel here in Nairobi, Kenya.  Dignitaries present included the East African Community (EAC) Secretary General, The Tanzanian High Commissioner to Kenya, the Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Environment and Mineral Resources, the Conservation Secretary from the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife, the Director of USAID/EA, the Executive Secretary from the Lake Victoria Basin Commission and the Director of Water Resources from Kenya.  The documents were officially launched in a speech by the Kenyan Minister for Forestry and Wildlife, the Honorable Dr. Noah Wekesa.

Also present at the event were officials from the Water Resources Management Authority, UNESCO-IHP, UNESCO-IHE, IUCN, WWF-ESARPO, Florida International University, CARE-Kenya, Mara Conservancy, Transmara County Council, Narok County Council, SIDA as well as other stakeholders and organizations working in the Mara River Basin.

Congratulations to all the hard work of WWF-ESARPO,  the Lake Victoria Basin Commission and all the other individuals and organizations that worked tirelessly on this document.

I will upload soft copies of the documents soon.  In the meantime, here is a video of Amanda presenting on the EFA and BSAP at the event.  The video begins just before she begins speaking specifically on the EFA.

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