
Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Girls of Mbalibali

As you all may or may not know, the organization we work for is called GLOWS - Global Water for Sustainability.  From the main GLOWS website:

GLOWS is a consortium financed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) working to increase social, economic, and environmental benefits to people of the developing world through clean water, healthy aquatic ecosystems and sustainable water resources management.

We just returned from our quarterly meeting held in Mugumu, Tanzania.  The meeting was hosted by one of our partners, CARE-Tanzania, who has been working in the Serengeti District of Tanzania for several years with funding through GLOWS from USAID.  The first day of the meeting was held in the field and we were able to travel around to several of CARE's project sites.

At one of the sites we visited, the Mbalibali Primary School, CARE has recently completed a set of latrines and a rooftop water harvesting system. During our visit, some of the girls broke out in song as a show of thanks.

Here is a short video of the "Girls of Mbalibali".

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