
Thursday, March 25, 2010


Three articles worth reading...

Pissing on the Maasai Mara
Wycliffe Muga visits Kenya's most famous National Reserve for wildlife and stumbles across controversies and turf wars.

What's Really Happening in the Mara
IT is generally acknowledged that the Maasai Mara National Reserve owes its very existence to the local Maasai communities, and that if the Maasai of Narok were to decide that this fabled game park did not serve their interests, there is nothing the government could do to stop them from wiping out the entire wildlife population of the Mara.

Impunity in Maasai Mara
THE Maasai Mara is Kenya's premier tourist attraction but it is sadly abused. It has lost half its wildlife in five years. In another ten years foreign tourists may no longer be interested in going there.

1 comment:

  1. For me Maasai Mara National Reserve still remains a wonderland of Africa. The main reason for extinguished wildlife in past five years must be hunting and poaching. Efforts are seriously needed to preserve this amazing destination.
