
Sunday, October 11, 2009


Solomon is famous amongst the Rangers at the New Mara Bridge in the Masai Mara National Reserve. He is the largest crocodile in that area and probably one of the largest in the Mara River.

He had disappeared from the bridge area for the last few months. We could not find him anywhere in the area. A few days ago, we found him a few bends of the river upstream. We speculate that the water level got too low for him near the bridge so he moved upstream to a deeper section of the river.

Solomon does not seem to mind people. He slept next to the river bank while we photographed him. He would look up at us every once in a while. We would watch his eyes open for a few moments and then he would go back to sleep.


  1. Any idea how old he is? Not that we want you to check his teeth or anything!

  2. I wouldn't even try to guess his age. He lives in a stretch of river that has a large amount of humans traveling through and he doesn't seem to mind all the disturbance. We have had several "close" encounters with him and he really does not interested in us. He usually just slowly walks away or hangs out watching us.

    The Maasai in the area have a belief that the green crocodiles are the dangerous ones. The green ones are the younger ones. They have noted that the younger ones are the only ones that attack humans because "they don't know" that our meat doesn't taste as nice as a wildebeest. :) Soloman clearly knows so he must be pretty old.
