
Thursday, June 11, 2009

Rhino Sanctuary

Two of our friends, Ann and Sonkoi, are working on setting up a Rhino Sanctuary in an effort to conserve a large tract of land between Maji Moto and Ewaso Ngiro. They invited us out to visit the sanctuary and sample the unique ground water that draws wildlife onto the land from the surrounding area.

There is a large amount of salty ground water in the area. The Maasai have known for years that the ground water was special and they have brought their cattle to drink from it.

Well, we got some preliminary readings back and they seem very interesting. We sampled four seperate holes in the ground in which the ground water was within 1 meter from the surface. Our immediate results indicate that the water is indeed very salty and possibly full of minerals. Ann stated that there were tests done many years ago by the government and the tests showed that there were at least 12 different beneficial minerals in the water.

Here are two charts that show the relationship between the four sites we sampled in the Rhino Sanctuary and several of the rivers in the area.

DO% is the percentage of Dissolved Oxygen in the water.

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