
Saturday, June 6, 2009

Chicken Emergency of our baby chickens died this morning.

Then we had a crazy-busy day in Narok...running around and meeting with WWF personnel, graduate students who have limited time and funding, a drunk mechanic for the Land Rover, and organizing a trip to the Masai Mara National Reserve with some local kids that live next door.

Then we spotted four of our remaining baby chickens running around the yard who appeared to all have a large lump on their right side. We have eight babies left but only the four black ones had these lumps. We snatched one up and took off for our chicken doctor in downtown Narok. Our worst fear was that for some reason, they had all developed some strange tumor and that they would all die a horribly painful death. I guess we were a little gun-shy because of the death of one of our chickens this morning. That chicken had developed a bad virus and didn't responding to treatment then finally succombed this morning.

So...we got this little baby chicken with the tumor into our chicken doctor's hands. He laughed. Good thing that our chicken doctor knows us well or he probably thought we are crazy. He said the only thing this chicken was guilty of was over-eating.

One chicken died and the others pigged out on the remaining food.

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