
Thursday, July 31, 2008

Happy Birthday Amanda!

To the greatest woman in the world, happy birthday.


  1. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear Amanda, Happy birthday to you. Now just imagine you can hear me singing to you. LOL. Lots of Love. Anna

    I must not have your correct emails. Please email me with your new ones. ;)

  2. Happy Birthday, and what a wonderful place to spend it, with awesome company! We'll celebrate yours (and mine) this weekend with BBQ and floors! Everyone sends their best, and we'll sip appletinis in your honor!

  3. Mandy, I can't believe I missed your call:( Happy Birthday! I enjoyed hearing your voice. I am thinking about you today on your special day! I talked to Mom and Fran earlier. It will be a treat to Skype with you this weekend!

    Do they have any birthday specials in Kenya? You know, buy one fried chicken and the birthday girl gets the fries for free;) Have a super birthday!!!!

    Love, Leah

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you Amanda! We are thinking of you and hope you have a great celebration. Wondering if Chris baked you a cake! We all love you. Aunt Connie, Uncle Joe, Amy, Steven, and Christopher

  5. I'm such the follower...Happy belated birthday Miss Amanda!!! Just wanted to let you know that I will be leaving 307 Smith shortly. It will be a sad parting but new adventures await...I'll fill you in later...TMI!

  6. Happy VERY belated bday! I actually did remember, but was on the road back to Abalama and just got a chance to fire up the computer tonight. Missed our roadtrip chatting!! Hope things are well!
