
Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Wildebeest Migration Has Begun!

Well, I guess the Maasai Warrior who called Amanda the other day to tell her that the Migration has begun...was right. We were driving to one of the sites near the Maasai Mara when a bunch of Wildebeest were running across the road. There was probably only about 100 or so...but this is only the beginning of the migration.

Look at the "older" Wildebeest in the bottom right of this picture. He was corralling the other Wildebeest and pushing them hard.

That same "older" Wildebeest is now in the bottom right of this picture. He was dictating the speed of the entire herd by pushing the younger ones along.
Here is a pretty little frog we captured at one of the sites yesterday. We are still working on positively identifying him. The problem is that the species that we "keyed" him out to is not suppossed to be present in this locality.

Here is a picture of the same frog species expect in the stage between tadpole and frog. Notice his long tail!

Amanda and some of the Maasai women and children that helped her collect some bugs. The Maasai women and children were down at the stream doing laundry and collecting water. Every time they see us at the stream they become very curious and end up watching everything she does very closely. This group helped her collect quite a few bugs from the stream.

Here is Amanda showing a frog to one of the Maasai boys that happened to be herding goats near one of the streams we visited. As the goats were drinking from the stream, he began to help Amanda collect bugs using a little strainer.

This is an example of the views we see on a daily basis.

Here is a picture of one of the Aloe plants present in Kenya.

We're currently staying in Nakuru and just ate dinner at an amazing Chinese restuarant. We'll be headed back out to the field tomorrow and then down to Nairobi for a few days of business.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing pictures and information! Thanks for educating and entertaining us with all the beauty and wonder there!
    Be safe, okay.
